Personal Training

Who Should Attend Personal Training?
Whoever need personal attention and personal advice or consultant
– CEO’s, Human Resources Managers – for WHS at work place who required consultant
– School Teachers
– Health Care professionals
– Personal Trainers
– Individual who need healthy consultant and rehabilitation
– Artist
What is the benefit of personal training?

Personal Training has an excellent result.  Personal training is a 1 on 1 training, specifically designed to improve health management skills and/or to assist an individual to meet his/her personal goal(s).

Save time and save money. 

A class of 10 people, the instructor would need to concentrate on correcting the posture and forms for 10 people, but in the case of a 1-on-1 class you actually save 90% of the time and expenses for the training and also receive the best results. For example, learning Hunyuan 24, a student might successfully form within 1-2 years in Personal Training, but may take more years in a group training.

For individual rehabilitation.   

Your health will be assessed and corrected instantly in Personal Training, whereas in group training, it is hard to be found from the crowd.  You will also be given personal advice prescriptions which is more specific and tailored than group advice.

Inherit the beautiful art.

Historically, Internal Gong training has only been taught 1 on 1. Through Personal Training you might have the opportunity to be inherited the beautiful art completely.